View Capital Flows Map

Your Homepage shows a Global Capital Flows Heat Map that shows a high-level picture of the most recent or projected flow of global capital.

  1. Select Daily, Weekly, or Monthly to show the flow of capital across the selected time levelOne of the five key viewpoints of time into which analysis is divided: daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, and yearly. Also called a time frame. for either the most recent or projected flow.
  2. To change your focus within the map, select Zoom In (+) or Zoom Out (-), roll your mouse wheel, or use pinch-in or pinch-out gestures on your track pad or screen. When zoomed in, select and drag the map to change the area of focus.
  3. Hover over a country to see details for the country.
  4. The legend explains the map color coding.
  5. Select Expand to see larger view of the most recent and projected flow maps.